Hi Fabio,

> installed. So... is there a way to simulate a mouse click
> through keyboard?
> I know I can move the pointer through the screen associating
> the direction
> keys with the mouseV and mouseH. But I have no idea if it's
> possible to
> simulate the click....

Hmmm... never tried that before, but how about this:

You can't change the mouseLoc with the keyboard, unless you have an Xtra
(Buddy, SetMouse etc.), but you can have a workaround.
1. Change the cursor to a blank (cursor 200), so there is not visible
2. Make a graphic of a mouse pointer and move IT around the stage with the
keyboard, to simulate the mouse.
3. Use a key, such as "Space" or enter, and capture it with the
keyDownScript, or even simply an "on keyDown" handler in the movie script.
4. Test the loc (or locH/locV) of your graphic on the keyDown handler, and
if it matches that of a sprite, send it a #mouseDown command. You can do
something like this (totally untested):

on keyDown
repeat with spr = the lastChannel down to 1
  if sprite gCursorSprite within spr then
    sendSprite (spr, #mouseDown)
    exit repeat
  end if
end repeat

And then on the sprites that need to be click, put a behavior including the
usual #mouseDown.

I guess you can also do rollovers and stuff in a similar way...

Or you can probably find some Xtra that does that for you (buddy Api, maybe)


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