At 23:55 Friday16.02.2001, you wrote:
>Is there a formula that would change a bigger value to small value, 
>smaller value becomes bigger.

Basically dividing 1 by your value inverts the small to big ration..... (1/x)

>In a game I'm working on, I have the player's mouseDow and mouseUp 
>distance as force. My script for the action is based on steps. So if I 
>have bigger force, than my steps would be smaller so it takes less time to 
>reach from one point to another. I wonder if there is a mathematics way 
>that can reverse it automatically.
>For example moving 300 pixels distance, I want it to become 100 steps. if 
>moving 100 pixels, it becomes 200 steps. The numbers here are not 
>absolute. I don't want to assign them since it would look less random and 
>less natural.

try something like this

1/yourpixelshere*30000 = stepsorsomething

with pixels =300 it gives you 100 steps
with pixels = 100 it gives you 300   :-)

just watch out for divide by zero errors (nasty thing) (pixels=0)

>BTW, are there sites with example games that I can take a look at their codes?
>Thanks for the help,

i was first


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