At 06:35 11.02.2001 -0300, Fabricio G. Bissoli wrote:
>on startMovie
>   put "" into member "dados"  -- dados is a text member
>   meusDados =
>   importFileInto member "dados",

The docu mentions a difference between imortfileinto() in shockwave and 

Note: In Shockwave, you must issue a preloadNetThing and wait for a 
successful completion of the download before using importFileInto with the 
file. In Director and projectors, importFileInto automatically downloads 
the file for you.

Those netLingo functions work asynchronous, meaning: you can not rely that 
they are completed and done before the next line of your code gets 
executed. You have to provide time for the net transfer to finish before 
using its output.

I recommend against using it in a startmovie handler, so much easier to do 
it in a behavior like:

-- behavior loops on the frame until netLingo is ready

property myNetId

on new me
   -- net transfer is started here
   myNetId = preloadNetThing("")

on exitframe me
   if netDone(myNetId) then
     -- ok, we're through,
     -- now its save to use the output

     -- still waiting
     go the frame
   end if

-- EoS

best regards
daniel plaenitz

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