At 21:27 3/28/2001, faris wrote:


>First Sorry for disturbing you..

Stop saying that. We like this stuff :-)

>I am new to lingo and I am in project. I did a stub projector and got the
>non rectangular window (1bit). I want to animate this can you give me a
>sugession or any examples.

I probably wouldn't expect great performance but try this out:

Put all the 1-bit mask members in a new internal cast named "Mask" of the 

-- untested Lingo
global glMasks
on startMovie
   glMasks = []
   memCount = the number of members of castLib "Mask"
   repeat with i = 1 to memCount
   end repeat

Then in a behavior on a sprite which spans the duration of the movie (even 
if off-stage). Or put it in an object in the actorList using stepFrame 
instead of exitFrame.

global glMasks
property pCurrMask

on beginSprite me
   pCurrMask = 0

on exitFrame me
   pCurrMask = pCurrMask + 1
   if pCurrMask > glMasks.count then pCurrMask = 1
   window("someWindow").windowType = glMasks[pCurrMask]

Does it work?

Mark A. Boyd
Keep-On-Learnin' :)

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