mare wrote:
> R. Bhakti Klein  kindly wrote:
> >that information, it seems, is also in the DOUG article. i just love
> >that guy doug. he's better than that guy named jethro tull.
> Gee, I wrote that article almost two years ago and I still get support
> emails about it. About once a month. Which proves that it is a bad article
> I guess.

nope, it proves how difficult it is getting support info from
macromedia, and how thankful we are that there are independent resources
for such information...thanks for the article; it is still useful.

> But I have to agree with you, that doug guy is a nice chap. Too bad he's
> doing so much Fl**h these days...


> --
> mare
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R. Bhakti Klein
Instructional Media Developer, Distributed Learning Workshop
Baritone, Wicki6
"On Earth, you can only do little things;
but you can do them with a lot of Love."
                              -- Mother Theresa

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