> I won't post the property list the xml parser returns, because it is
> horrendous and confusing. Here's what it boils down to, though:
>    pList=\
>    [\
>     [#puzzle: \
>       [\
>         [#title: "Business Across Cultures"], \
>         [#entry: [[#answer: "Breed"], [#clue: "yada yada"]]], \
>         [#entry: [[#answer: "yada"], [#clue: "yada yada"]]]\
>       ]\
>     ],\
>     [#puzzle: \
>       [\
>         [#title: "Hot Ideas"], \
>         [#entry: [[#answer: "Breed"], [#clue: "yada yada"]]] \
>       ]\
>     ]\
>    ]

Ok, and what exactly do you want to do with it now?
And did you think about converting The entries to objects? It seems to me
that this list is crying for you:
"Kerry! Please make me into an object!"

Puzzle script:

property pTitle
property plEntries

on new me, puzzleList
  plEntries = []
  iMax = puzzleList.count
  repeat with i = 1 to iMax
    myProp = puzzleList.getPropAt(i)
    myValue = puzzleList[i]

    case myProp of
      #Title: pTitle = myValue
      #Entry: plEntries.add[myValue]
      otherwise nothing
   end case
  end repeat
return me

on getTitle me
  return pTitle

on getEntry me, whichEntryNum
  return plEntries[whichEntryNum]

on getAnswer me, whichEntryNum
  return plEntries[whichEntryNum][#answer]

--And so on...

Then in a movie script (or wherever you parsed the xml into)

glPuzzles = []
repeat with lst in pList --that's your original list
  puzzleList = lst.puzzle
  obj = script("Puzzle").new (puzzleList)
end repeat

Then you can use the object's own methods to retrieve the title and entries,
either in a linear or random order.

That's what I would advise you to do, if I knew what you want to do with the
But since I don't know, guess I won't ;)

BTW: I don't know how much you know about OOP, but have you checked out
Irv's OOP book yet? It explains all you need to know about objects, why
objects etc., and is SO much more understandable then "Lingo Sorcery"...



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