>buddy api xtras error is as below
>error message is : "you have exceeded the number of licensed functions")

That one is easy--you need to register Buddy API. You can use 2 Buddy 
functions for free, but beyond that, you have to register (and pay :-)

You can register two ways--at runtime, with a Buddy call, or you can simply 
register your copy of Buddy using the directions that came with it (you did 
read the instructions, didn't you?)

>how can i remove this error please help me.

The rest of the issues you describe tell me you have numerous problems. We 
can only guess, based on the information you gave us, what they might be.

I almost never say this, and please don't take it wrong, but you need more 
help than we can give you on the List, Mitesh. The questions you ask and 
the problems you describe lead me to believe that you don't understand some 
very basic Director concepts, and some very basic programming concepts. You 
need to look on us as a source of help on specific problems, not as a 
vehicle for learning Director.

I would recommend you take a course on Director, read some books, and make 
sure you understand the basic concepts. When you have specific questions, 
we're more than happy to help. Unfortunately, "help my program is crashing" 
doesn't give us much to go on.

Don't go away--you're welcome here. But please try to post more specific 


Kerry Thompson

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