At 1:14 PM -0400 6/17/01, Al Hospers wrote:
>> I'm having some problems with switching the filename property of SWA
>> castmembers.  In particular, the id3tags property doesn't
>> update to reflect
>> the new file (even after playing the member) and you need to play
>> member to update the member properties to display a valid
>> controller.  I
>> would suggest that it might be safer to:
>> erase (member "swa")
>> newSWA = new(#swa)
>> newSWA.filename = "yourfilenamehere.mp3"
>interesting... I have used this method, switching the filename of SWA
>members on several projects with no problem. here are 2 examples:
>that said I am not using the defult controller, but one I create
>myself to manipulate playback. dunno why that would make any serious

Last night while I was writing a comprehensive article on the new id3tags
property for SWA members for, I encountered
repeated problems with Director properly returning a value after switching
the filename property in authoring mode.  It would either return the same
property list as the previous file or <NULL> - neither of which is correct.

If I created a new member instead, I was able to get a consistently correct

...---===|  Terry R. Schussler  |===---...
...---===|  Chief Investigator  |===---...

on visitWebsite yourSelection
 coolSites = [ \
   #advancedSeminars : "";, \
   #directorUniversity: "";, \
   #multiuserUniversity: "";, \
   #flashUniversity: "";, \
   #freeBehaviors : "";]
 gotoNetPage coolSites[yourSelection]
end visitWebsite

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