I have the exact same problem on win 2k server, even when I try to type text
director 8.5 halts immediately.
On 98 on the same comp it works fine.

-----Original Message-----
Roman Pekarek
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2001 9:42 AM
Subject: Re: <lingo-l> Director 8.5

> It is quite likely 3d related.
> Can you give details about the following ?
> -OS version & DirectX version installed

Win2000 SP1 , DX8

> -Proc Speed

Intel Celeron 433

> -Ram

256M ram

> -Video card : Mfr - driver version & any ram on card

Matrox G400 , 32M Ram , latest drivers ..

> Also, check the Unsupported driver list on the MACR website.
> Also, Tech Support should be able to help you if you have registered.
> - jp
> --------------------
> J.Powers
> Androidmedia
> --------------------
> Im trying to look for any new features in Director 8.5.
> Im opening learning/8.5_Tutorial/magic_start.dir
> It will open OK ..
> After go to Frame 10 in score , director crash ...
> Why ?
> Pytkin

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