> I have the exact same problem on win 2k server, even when I
> try to type text
> director 8.5 halts immediately.
> On 98 on the same comp it works fine.
I don't understand this. are you saying that if you try typing into a
text field on the stage in a projector created in Director 8.5 the
projector exits or crashes immediately? are there any error messages,
or does it just close?
this is not typical behavior. I am personally running Windows 2000
Advanced Server and have not noticed this behavior at any time. I
suggest updating the video drivers. some have experienced similar
problems caused by HP printer drivers, however I have an HP 882C
printer & do not have this problem. if you have an HP printer attached
to that machine try uninstalling it & seeing what happens.
Al Hospers
CamberSoft, Inc.
A famous linguist once said:
"There is no language wherein a double
positive can form a negative."
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