Yes, the problem is that when you have a tight repeat loop as you 
show, everything is locked out until that loop ends.  Your 
description of a solution is exactly what I would suggest.  If you 
are into OOP, build a single CommandProcessor object which maintains 
a list of commands and a state property variable.  Use timeout 
objects for timing.  Something like this (completely untested - 
skeleton code):

property psymState  -- #idle or #busy
property pllCommands  -- property which is a list of lists  of commands
                                      -- each command has a name, and 
optional params

on new me
   pllCommands = []
   psymState = #idle
   add(the actorList, me)

-- Call this to add "commands" to your  processor
-- call it with #wait, 100 to wait 100 milliseconds

on mAddCommand me, symName, param1, param2, param3, etc.
     -- build up a list of this command and its parameters
     lCommand = [symName]
     nParameters = the paramCount
     repeat with i = 3 to nParameters
         append(lCommand, param(i))
     end repeat
     -- and add it to the list of all commands
     append(pllCommands, lCommand)

-- Since your object is in the actorList, this handler is called on 
every frame event
on stepFrame me
     if symState = #busy then
      end if
      if count(pllCommands) = 0 then
       end if

       lCommand = pllCommands[1]  -- pull first thing off the list
       deleteAt(pllCommands, 1)  -- and delete it

       symCommand = lCommand[1]
       case symCommand of
                howlong = lCommnd[2]
                timeout("MyTimeout").new(howlong, #mTimeoutCallBack)
                symState = #busy

                -- pull out params and do whatever this command says to do

                -- pullout params and do this type of command

             Alert("Unrecognized command" && symCommand)
        end case

on mTimeOut me
    -- timeout has ended
    -- do whatever you need to do
    symState = #idle

--  More code to handle your other commands

Hope this helps.


At 4:26 PM -0400 6/27/01, Dennis Flood wrote:
>Hello all,
>I think I'm hitting the wall here. I've got a bunch of objects which do some
>serial port stuff on different ports. The nature of the thing is that I've
>got to put some delays between certain functions to allow receiving devices
>to have the time to process commands. These are long lists of processes
>which require some logic decisions based on responses from the serial
>Right now I've got this, which for one object, does the job:
>on waitLoop me,num
>      startOfWait = the milliseconds
>      repeat while the milliseconds < (startOfWait + num)
>           nothing
>      end repeat
>Problem is this handler stops everybody. I found something on DOUG, but that
>won't stop the calling script.
>Has anyone ever created something like this that only stops the calling
>handler from executing.
>I'm imagining re-coding using a scheme where I take all my code for these
>routines and create a list with "commands" which execute each step in the
>code. I'd then create a list processing engine that could be stopped and
>restarted by tracking the position in a variable and starting a timeout
>object when it encountered a wait command.
>Just seems like there should be an easier way.


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