Hi All,

I'm still strugling with the 'SHIFT-TAB' function for my txtmembers.

Or it doesn't work in my final movie or it's too slow :(
Does someone know what's wrong with my script or methode?

I've 100 inputTxtmembers in sprite 500 to 599 and my script
is like below....


Milo Mineur

-------------- MOVIESCRIPT -----------------
global gMyInputSprite

on prepareMovie
    the keyDownScript = "ShortCuts"
end prepareMovie

on ShotCuts
    if the key = TAB then
      if (the shiftDown) then
        SendSprite(gMyInputSprite, #Not_Alive)
        gMyInputSprite = gMyInputSprite - 1
        if gMyInputSprite = 499 then gMyInputSprite = 599
        SendSprite(gMyInputSprite, #Alive)
        SendSprite(gMyInputSprite, #Not_Alive)
        gMyInputSprite = gMyInputSprite + 1
        if gMyInputSprite = 600 then gMyInputSprite = 500
        SendSprite(gMyInputSprite, #Alive)
      end if
    end if
end ShortCuts

------------ TXTmemberBEHAVIOR --------------------
global gMyInputSprite

on MouseUp me
  SendSprite(gMyInputSprite, #Not_Alive)
  gMyInputSprite = SpriteNum
  Alive me
end mouseup me

on Alive me
  pMem.editable = TRUE
end Alive me

on Not_Alive me
  pMem.editable = FALSE
end Not_Alive me

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