Hi people.

I have a problem which I have been pondering on for some while, and I would
appreciate some input.

I've done a project in D8, and now I need to do a vastly similar project.
The reason why I would not like to use D8 again is the D8 sound engine bug.
Now AFAIK, that bug was not present on D7 and the bug has been fixed in
D8.5, which makes both options viable. I have donw a lot of projects with
D7.02 and am very comfortable with it's stability, D8.5 I am totally new to.
All features for needed are already present in D7.

If I go for D7 I basically have to reprogram the whole application
(copypaste works though). This would naturally lengthen development, but at
the same time I would automatically get rid of any redundant code, which
might otherwise slow down the app or create problems. The problem is not as
severe as It might seem as probably less than 20 percent (some 10 000 lines)
of the code is automatically reusable anyway.

If I go for D8.5 I can (comparatively) speed up the development (I have D7
now, I can get D8.5 in a few weeks). Thenagain, as I already mentioned, I am
totally new to D8.5, which makes me slightly uneasy. Also, I have the
problem with D8.5 that If I run into trouble, there's no way back. With D7 I
could always update the whole project to D8.5. D8.5 might have the advantage
of D8's faster Lingo engine, which might be slowed down by all that new
(untested) 3D code....

I asked my boss for any ideas, but he told me that it is up to my expertise
to decide (he's right), but he also said out of HIS experience (as a C++
programmer) that you should always "go for the newest compiler"...
Basically, as he's not aquainted with Director's X.0 problems (in this case
I consider D8.5 to equal D9.0), and as his answer reveals is ignorant of the
possible problems, I do not give this statement very much weight.

As you can see, the equation is not an easy one. What makes me most
ambivalent about the issue is that I am not certain of D8.5's stability, as
I have never used it. This combined with D8.5 being a dead end (no updating
possible), makes me extremely uneasy.

With D7 I'd be playing safe. With D8.5 I'd be taking a huge risk.

You are free to comment on any of these points, but what I'd really like is
to know about any firsthand experience with stability issues and
undocumented quirks connected to creating CD-ROM-based products with D8.5.


Pekka Buttler

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