> But isn't the major problem with NT-based systems is that it
> is totally
> possible to get a computer that the CD can't write ANYTHING
> to?


I don't have any first hand experience with this problem, tho I have
heard about it happening. I've done about 6 really major projects
which were designed for corporate systems that were standardized on NT
& didn't see the problem. I also did a project for someone that was
repurposed probably 30 times into the same environment and I never
heard of a problem. still, I can't say it does not happen & I hear
about it on the list occasionally.

> WHich is
> why you include Xtras in a folder and not compacted into the
> projector...

well, that's not the main reason for putting the Xtras in a separate
folder. projector load time & control over what's there are the 2
reasons I do it. your milage may vary tho... <grin>

Al Hospers
CamberSoft, Inc.

A famous linguist once said:
"There is no language wherein a double
positive can form a negative."


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