> > So, I have to buy a new version when I increase my RAM, or upgrade my
> > hard-drive?
>If you change more than 2 things, you'll will have to get a new serial.
>In this special case this is no problem, since the user is in constant
>contact with me (the seller) anyway. This is to keep him from using two
>copies on two different machines which by the way ist in the first line
>for his security, because the application sends thousands of SMS at his
>own costs. So I have to make it as secure as possible.
I know the P3 implemented a CPU ID code...one of the Xtras lists (DOUG or
the Mile High) had something to keep people from accessing that ID.
Sorry for being a 'you don't want to do that' putz. Maybe the CPU ID'll help.
> >
> > How about you just create a complicated algorithm and generate keys based
> > on that?
>Sure, but it would have to do something with the machine, otherwise one
>could just copy the application, if he has the password.
Well, that was my putz-y suggestion. If the client can't be trusted, you
have to make the decision to either code it to some number or just trust
anyway. I'll quit being a putz and suggesting the trust.
Roy Crisman
Senior Macromedia Programmer
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