> I had put all the dll files on exe file path & also in xtras
> folder but still
> error is not gone. This error is come only in window Nt & window
> 2000 system
> not in window 95,98 system. I had also put karnel32.dll but still
> error is not
> gone. I made projector file in window nt system but error is not
> gone. But if i
> run exe file form Hardisk(copy in my system & then run) then it
> runs fine. If i
> create cd or run that exe file by network then it doesn't work &
> gives error.

Ignore the kernel32.dll - it is a system file that is already present in
your Winnt folder.

What xtras are you using in your project. Are there any DirectMedia or
StreamingMedia assets?

Is there any chance you accidentally bundled xtras into the projector as
well as providing an external xtras folder with dlls etc.?

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