Thank you for your response.
Yes I had figured out that the script had to be attached to the sprites and
not the casts.

This is what I did:

on mouseDown
  set the visibility of sprite 31 to 1

on mouseUp
  set the movieRate of sprite 6 to 1

on mouseEnter me
  set the member of sprite the currentSpriteNum to member "pause all"

on mouseLeave me
  set the member of sprite the currentSpriteNum to member "pause"

and for "play" I did the opposite ie visibility 0 and movierate 0. I had
set visibility of sprite 31 to 0 in moviescript - on startmovie.

Now the rollovers seem to work.
Is there anything wrong with doing it like this?

Now I want to make fastforward and fastreverse buttons but  I would like to
make onMousedown set the movierate to 2 but on mouseUp either 0 or 1
depending on whether the video was playing or paused when the button is
clicked so that it doesn't get out of sync with the play/pause button.
I have no idea how to go about doing this. I'm guessing that it's some kind
of if then script but what?
Can you point me in the right direction? Thanks

John Trentini wrote:

> Attach your scripts to the sprite (not the cast members)
> and your problems will, most likely, disappear.
> As you  change the *cast member* with your rollover
> script, only part of your script will execute .
> You could hard code use a script like this:
> (untested)
> on exitFrame
> if rollover (6) then
> if the member of sprite (6) = "use a place holder here" then
> set the member of sprite 6 = "your video file name"
> else
> set the member of sprite 6 =  "use your place holder here"
> end if
> end if
> end
> And on your palce holder sprite (in this case 6)
> attach your mouse up/Down scripts
> JohnT

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