have you tried updateStage during the stilldown section.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Slava Paperno" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, August 20, 2001 1:18 AM
Subject: <lingo-l> dragging a non-moveable sprite
> For a couple of reasons, I don't want to make my sprite moveable, yet I do
> want the user to be able to move it with the mouse. So I use this script:
> on mouseDown me
> pLeftMouseOffset = the mouseH - sprite(me.spriteNum).loc[1]
> pTopMouseOffset = the mouseV - sprite(me.spriteNum).loc[2]
> if the stillDown then
> locLeft = the mouseH - pLeftMouseOffset
> locTop = the mouseV - pTopMouseOffset
> sprite(me.spriteNum).loc = point(locLeft, locTop)
> end if
> end mouseDown
> It generally works, but when you move the mouse quickly, the handler stops
> working. I get the same results placing this script in a mouseWithin
> I remember a discussion a while ago about how often mouse events are
> at various frame rates. The problem I'm describing is much worse at 3
> f/sec, and better--but still a problem--at 20 f/sec.
> What's the solution? Thanks!
> Slava
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