Generally the non-repeat loop way to do that is to have the mouseDown set a 
boolean value and you check that boolean value on the exitFrame (or more 
elegantly, do it in the stepFrame and add "me" to the actorList).  You're 
losing the stillDown because you end up moving the mouse off the 
image...the smaller the image, the easier this is to do.

So, on a valid mouseDown, set yourself up to continue following the mouse 
until you actually get a mouseUp (and mouseUpOutside) which will set the 
'follow' condition to false.

that help?


At 10:13 AM 8/20/01 -0400, you wrote:
>Yes, sure. Adding an updateStage after every location update makes no 
>difference--it is still possible to break the mouse pointer away from the 
>sprite with a quick motion, and then the hander stops working.
>I also tried putting the sequence in the exitFrame script. In that case, 
>the handler always works, but is very "laggy," even at 25 frames/sec.
>Putting the same sequence in a repeat loop, as I've seen in one DOUG 
>article, makes the movement jerky for some reason. Also, a repeat loop 
>suspends background actions, at least on the Mac.
>I don't know what else to try.
>At 08:59 AM 8/20/2001 +0100, you wrote:
>>have you tried updateStage during the stilldown section.
>>----- Original Message -----
>>From: "Slava Paperno" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Sent: Monday, August 20, 2001 1:18 AM
>>Subject: <lingo-l> dragging a non-moveable sprite
>>  For a couple of reasons, I don't want to make my sprite moveable, yet I 
>> do want the user to be able to move it with the mouse. So I use this script:
>> >
>> > on mouseDown me
>> >    pLeftMouseOffset = the mouseH - sprite(me.spriteNum).loc[1]
>> >    pTopMouseOffset = the mouseV - sprite(me.spriteNum).loc[2]
>> >    if the stillDown then
>> >      locLeft = the mouseH - pLeftMouseOffset
>> >      locTop = the mouseV - pTopMouseOffset
>> >      sprite(me.spriteNum).loc = point(locLeft, locTop)
>> >    end if
>> > end mouseDown
>> >
>> > It generally works, but when you move the mouse quickly, the handler 
>> stops working. I get the same results placing this script in a mouseWithin
>> > I remember a discussion a while ago about how often mouse events are
>>polled at various frame rates. The problem I'm describing is much worse 
>>at 3 f/sec, and better--but still a problem--at 20 f/sec.
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