try turning off "direct to stage" in the prop. inspector for yer QT &
----- Original Message -----
From: "Alex Macleod" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, August 20, 2001 2:34 PM
Subject: <lingo-l> tight situation>>PLEASE HELP

> Firstly,
> Hi, this is my first posting and hope that you are fine and the weekend
> hangovers are'nt too bad.
> I have a BIG problem, I have a flash interface and have been building it
> a couple of weeks now and have putting a lot of time and effort into
> it. I have used director a few times before but I am by no means an
> I wanted to include some quicktime videos in the piece to play over the
> flash stuff...... but its all gone pear shaped. The QT movies are
> really badly and this is BAD. I really need a fix to stop them doing this
> but I have been exhausting myself to find one to no avail.
> If anyone can point me the right way I would be VERY apprieciative .
> Sorry for the desperate post, but I am scared of losing weeks of work to a
> technical hitch......
> Thank you
> Regards
> Alex MacLeod
> _________________________________________________________
> Qd (London) Ltd
> TV/Radio, Music Video, New Media, Design
> +44 (0)20 7462 1700
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