
On Tuesday, 13 November 2018 15:16:33 AEDT Jim Birch wrote:
> I'm hearing what appear to me to be a lot of lot of fluffy and 
> unsubstantiated claims around here. [...]  A list of what you think are 
> actual risks with a real chance of happening would help.

Many people, myself included, value privacy for its' own sake.

If "the government" (including in this specific case ATO, Centrelink, AFP, 
state police forces, the Judiciary, et al) can monitor their citizen's detailed 
health history, then we're a short step from the Chinese Social Credit system 
where they know all that and much more, like Google.

Knowledge is Power, as the Power Coaching College used to say.  And when the 
government knows too much it will almost inevitably begin to control.  Soon 
we'd find an Australian Social Credit system where the government begins to 
actively control what you can think and do.

Do you want that?

David L.

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