Just so everyone is clear: We (IBM) do not like to resort to OCO, but in
this world it is the only way to protect the intellectual property present
in the drivers.  If the drivers weren't OCO, anyone could step up to the
challenge to provide support.  But, when all the shouting is over, IBM or
its delegate is the one who provides support for its OCO modules, not the
Open Source community at large.  This means that IBM has the right and the
responsibility to determine what levels of the kernel it will support.

It is obvious that many on this list have differing views about what the
word "support" means.  By that, I mean more than just doing some coding.  I
mean that IBM will fix something that isn't working.  That promise is not
trivial and actually costs IBM real dollars to provide.  We have people
that design, code, test, and document our drivers.  When there's a new
driver, there's more testing.  That means tying up REAL resources (people
and machines).  When that happens, those resources aren't available to be
used on other things, whether related to Linux or IBM's other business
interests.  It is not the IBM business model to release code to the world
that may or may not work, and then wait for the fall-out.

I *know* this is frustrating to many and I am sorry for that, but we would
rather focus our efforts on opening up the interface (a difficult task at
best, with lots of legal complications) and eliminate the need for OCO
drivers altogether.  This is where the win/win is to be found.

In the meantime, solutions can be had simply by routing your "new Linux" IP
traffic through a "certified Linux" which owns the adapters.  Yeah, that
means some overhead, but on the other hand it gets the job done since it is
obviously important to create the "new Linux" for reasons totally unrelated
to networking.  (Those with other IBM operating systems can route their
Linux IP traffic through those platforms as well.)  Alternatively, choose a
networking interface for which source exists, e.g. CLAW.


Senior Software Engineer
z/VM, TCP/IP, VIF, and Linux for zSeries Development,     Endicott, NY
Phone  607.752.6027    fax 607.752.1497     t/l 852

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