> We have started an project to evaluate using Linux here. Part
> of the mandate
> is to start as we mean to proceed. In other words, the distribution we
> choose now will be the one we go into production with (IF we go into
> production). When we go into production, the distribution
> vendor MUST be
> capable of giving us support (we will buy a support
> contract). But from a
> technical viewpoint, if I want to show off what Linux is
> capable of doing, I
> think I would be best using the most current kernel, 2.4.
> Since this project
> has a budget of $0.00, then one vendor is off the candidate
> list right away.

Even further -- the $150 media kit for SuSE 7.0 was something that most
places could buy without Acts of God or accountants -- even within the reach
of someone's private wallet if push came to shove. That got them a lot of
visibility.  $11K/engine is not something that you can do on a private
budget, and certainly not for an evaluation project.

I'd be a lot happier if SuSE reinstated the media kits w/o support -- I like
their distribution, and I generally like their approach, but I don't see a
good reason to pay for something I'm not going to use. I'm told that media
kits are still available in Germany for SLES 7, but not elsewhere.

But, ultimately the market will decide...

-- db

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