> 4.) I also need to configure NTP. is there a tool to do both?

On my S/390 SuSE 7.0 there is a /etc/ntp.conf supplied. I've stripped all
the comments and got left with:

driftfile /etc/ntp.drift
logfile   /var/log/ntp

Update rc.config to have YES for START_XNTPD. Then started it with
`/etc/rc.d/xntpd start`.

Once ntpd is running test it with `ntpq -p` and `ntptime`, after about 5
minutes you should get it showing the right time. Or you should get an
indication in the log file as to what is wrong.

It works that way on my IA32 Linux machine at home.

[Note:I'm not sure it works correctly on S/390, and I haven't checked to
see if my VM directory entry has TODENABLE set - its a bit late in the day

Regards, Dougie Lawson

ITS Technical Support
Enterprise/ASSIST SupportLine for IMS, DB2 & Linux

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