Got any spare cash laying around? Sounds like time to start buying CD and
DVD readers & recorders in bulk ... put them away for a rainy day and
profit from it when it starts raining :-)

James S. Tison
Senior Software Engineer
TPF Laboratory / Architecture
IBM Corporation
+1 203 486-2835 (voice/fax)

                      Holger Baxmann
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        To:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                      om>                      cc:
                      Sent by: Linux on        Subject:  Re: New copyright bill could 
mean the death of Linux...
                      390 Port
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

                      03/25/2002 13:30
                      Please respond to
                      Linux on 390 Port

Am Mon, 2002-03-25 um 18.33 schrieb Alan Cox:
> > Robert P. Nix                            internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Mayo Clinic                                  phone: 507-284-0844
> Note its all digital devices capable of copying basically. That as has
> pointed out already includes everything from newer wristwatches through
> kinds of medical and military equipment before it even gets to a TV 8)
> I wonder what the cost to US industry is going to be 8)
i think it is a really good way to set the american industry back to
stone age.

... but who might be interested in this ...

<founding an offshore copying company/>
> Alan

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