> 06.05.2002 21:48:09 John Summerfield wrote: > > > > >The Athlon is good for building software on. It's also good fur running > >Hercules. > > BTW, which OS are You going to run on Hercules? If it is OS/390, do You > have to pay to IBM? > If answer is "yes" i don't think it is very cheap :) Or I don't know > something?
There are versions of VSE, MVS and VM available for free (think late 1970s). The only recent no-charge OSs are the various Linux distros. The others will run, the trick is getting the licences. It has been done, I gather. -- Cheers John Summerfield Microsoft's most solid OS: http://www.geocities.com/rcwoolley/ Note: mail delivered to me is deemed to be intended for me, for my disposition. ============================== If you don't like being told you're wrong, be right!