> There are versions of VSE, MVS and VM available for free (think late 1970s). The
> only recent no-charge OSs are the various Linux distros.
> The others will run, the trick is getting the licences. It has been done, I
> gather.

Once only, as far as I know - an AD/CD.  Very unlikely to happen again, to judge from 
strength of language used on IBM's web site:

"The S/390 Application Development CD is a special packaging of S/390 software for the
exclusive use of product development and support. It is restricted for use by qualified
PartnerWorld for Developers members on S/390 development systems that were purchased 
our program, or through approved IBM Business Partners that are fully authorized to 
sell the
FLEX-ES emulator from Fundamental Software, Inc.. The S/390 ADCD software stack is 
licensed to
the specific system by machine type/model serial number and cannot be transferred to 
any other
machine. Use of the S/390 ADCD software on any other system or software emulator is 
prohibited and is in violation of the terms and conditions of the loan."

To all intents and purposes, it's not an option.

Beware that making illicit copies of licensed software is a breach of the license 
agreement -
one of the sanctions IBM (and/or any ISVs) has is revoking the original license.  
thing to have to explain to management.

And 'disaster recovery' provisions _don't_ cover it.

  Phil Payne
  +44 7785 302 803
  +49 173 6242039

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