On Sat, 2002-05-25 at 03:10, Jay Maynard wrote:

> I think it's revealing as hell that Moshe Bar got comparable performance out
> of Linux/390 on a 2-way 1 GHz PIII under Hercules - which, I'm guessing,
> will turn about 10 MIPS with a reasonable I/O load - to what he did out of a
> PII-450. I daresay that the PII is turning more than 10 MIPS (any guesses?
> How many clocks per instruction does a PII use, under average workloads?),

Other way around. Modern processors are in instructions per clock. On
raw CPU power it doesn't just beat the mainframe - it steamrollers them.
Your I/O bus is typically PCI however so you are limited to about
100Mbytes/second I/O throughput in the real world.

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