> Vendor provided comparisons between its own products. Comparisons by
> Ford between Ford cards don't tell you anything about whether its a
> Porsche or Bicycle equivalent. And *no* credible mainstream computing
> journalist will trust a vendor provided benchmark. They've seen enough
> such material, most of which appears to be compost.

Benchmarketing, as it's known.  I think most results could be verified - but they 
wouldn't be
much more use. It's always fun to dig into the _exact_ configuration used for the 
benchmarks - it's usually one that a real user wouldn't dream of installing in a 
years.  Exotic front end preprocessors, various bits of error recovery and/or 
logging turned
off - that kind of thing.

  Phil Payne
  +44 7785 302 803
  +49 173 6242039

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