On Thursday 06 June 2002 08:26 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Exposing Australia to the world by the proliferation of Outback
> > Steakhouse restaurants is badness and must be stopped immediately.
>         What's funniest is that Outback Steakhouse head (hind?) quarters
>         is here in Florida, in the St Pete/Clearwater area.
>     <LEVITY LEVEL=11>
>         It's an American idea of what Americans think Australian cooking
>         is like-  which is odd.
>         I would think that Australians would cook like their forbears-
>         i.e. English (boiling, etc).

When I was in England, I learned two things about the food:

1. The English cooking is usually quite good, contrary to its reputation.
   They don't boil everything. They *do* serve peas with everything, which
   is quite all right with me because I like peas, but which was not all
   right with my wife, who does not. They do not have English muffins.
   They *do* have superb beer, an important consideration.

2. The English have *extremely* strange ideas of what Americans eat, so
   the shoe can be worn on the other foot, so to speak. For example, we
   were in a British grocery store and nearly gagged when we saw the
   pizza with baked beans on it..."American Style!" bragged the package.
   Yuck!!! I've never even heard of such a hideous pizza. They claimed it
   was from Chicago, but I have family there and they have never heard of
   baked bean pizza, either. There were other such atrocities, but this is
   the one I recall most clearly. Maybe this pizza *does* exist, perhaps
   in Texas. But Texas is actually a separate country, not part of the
   United States. They prefer it that way. So do the other 49 states.



Scott Courtney         | "I don't mind Microsoft making money. I mind them
[EMAIL PROTECTED]       | having a bad operating system."    -- Linus Torvalds
http://www.4th.com/    | ("The Rebel Code," NY Times, 21 February 1999)

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