At 15:56 14-06-02, Kris Van Hees wrote:

>At least Belgian beer is not being called anything else!  Except in extreme
>cases, such as asking at an Applebee's what Belgian beers they have, the
>waiteress going to the bar to check and coming back stating that the only
>Belgian beer they have is Heineken.  Yuck!!!  Ordering a coke was the best
>thing to do in that case.

Hey, at least you could get one... I recall that once in the US the girl
behind the counter could not take my money because my order contained a
Budweiser Light and she was not 27 yet.
We now have "Het Kanon" (the canon) from Grolsch that is 10.5% alcohol
and sold in 0.45L bottles, so beyond the "triples" from Belgium ;-)


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