> -----Original Message-----
> From: Marcy Cortes [mailto:marcy@;WellsFargo.COM]
> Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 12:06 PM
> Subject: Re: Virtual network topology questions...
> Suppose another customer had a SuSE support contract.  Could
> that customer email Robert the kernel patch rpm file without
> violating their support contract?  That's all he would need to run
> guest LAN on his existing HW/SW.
> Marcy Cortes
> Wells Fargo Services Co

I think that's a very interesting question. I cannot think of how, legally,
SuSE can stop you from sending a RPM which contains "free" patches to
another person. But whether it is morally correct to "redistribute"
something for which you paid a fee and which is a source of livelihood for a
company is another question. Or can a person or organization own a
"compilation copyright" on the rpm itself, without having a copyright on any
of the elements within the RPM. I do understand how SuSE, et al., can stop
the redistribution of something like YaST.


John McKown
Senior Technical Specialist
UICI Insurance Center
Applications & Solutions Team

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