On Mon, 2002-11-11 at 18:06, Marcy Cortes wrote: > Adam wrote: > >Here's how: go get the virgin 2.4.19 kernel sources > >from kernel.org. Go get the s390-may2002, s390-1-may2002, and > >timer-1-may2002 patches from IBM Developerworks, and apply them in > >that order. Also get the qeth driver from there. Build a kernel. > >Build your modules. Copy the qeth driver somewhere under your modules > >directory. Run depmod -a. Edit zipl.conf to boot from your new kernel, > >and run zipl. ReIPL your Linux image--into CMS, if you can. > > > Suppose another customer had a SuSE support contract. Could > that customer email Robert the kernel patch rpm file without > violating their support contract? That's all he would need to run > guest LAN on his existing HW/SW.
If its GPL licensed software then the SuSE customer can do that, they can put it on the net, make T-shirts of it too. The GPL prohibits "additional restrictions", so if the support contract forbade doing that with GPL software then they would be violating the license.