Without having seen one of those contracts, I would not be able to comment
on the particulars.

Since the pieces under discussion in this scenario are all GPL, then any
recipient has the right to redistribute it freely.  Any attempt to restrict
that right is in itself a violation of the GPL.

Sharing such things as userids and passwords to restricted sites would be
another matter entirely.

Mark Post

-----Original Message-----
From: Marcy Cortes [mailto:marcy@;WellsFargo.COM]
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 1:06 PM
Subject: Re: Virtual network topology questions...

Adam wrote:
>Here's how: go get the virgin 2.4.19 kernel sources
>from kernel.org.  Go get the s390-may2002, s390-1-may2002, and
>timer-1-may2002 patches from IBM Developerworks, and apply them in
>that order.  Also get the qeth driver from there.  Build a kernel.
>Build your modules.  Copy the qeth driver somewhere under your modules
>directory.  Run depmod -a.  Edit zipl.conf to boot from your new kernel,
>and run zipl.  ReIPL your Linux image--into CMS, if you can.

Suppose another customer had a SuSE support contract.  Could
that customer email Robert the kernel patch rpm file without
violating their support contract?  That's all he would need to run
guest LAN on his existing HW/SW.

Marcy Cortes
Wells Fargo Services Co

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