> One cannot make such blanket statements.  JAVA is a language, not a
> workload.  Yes it does have characteristics that cause it to have long
> lengths.  However, it also has characteristics that trash caches,
> particularly if the programmer takes OO programming seriously.

Very true, although observation indicates that there are a lot of really
lazy programmers writing in Java, or ones that are simply ignorant of the
effects of certain programming practices. There are also a lot of
programmers that use the absolutely horrific crap that comes out of most of
the integrated development environments these days without ever looking at
the impact of the code on the environment.

Forced use of 'lint' had it's moments -- at least it complained about the
egregiously stupid stuff.

>Java just happens to be
> less efficient on all fronts than earlier languages, but then Fortran is
> less efficient than assembler.

Interesting side note: Fortran is around 50 years old (+/- a few). It's
gotten more intensive study by the compiler optimization wonks than any
other language. Talk about geriatric research! 8-)

-- db

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