On Fri, 8 Aug 2003, Dale Strickler wrote:

> I can't belive that Microsoft shows so little understanding of Open Source:

I don't think MS understanding Open Source is the point: it's banking on
a good proportion of the audience not understanding it.

This is called FUD.

> "Can IBM give you a product roadmap for Linux? Can they deliver new
> features and fixes to Linux? Does it indemnify the intellectual property in
> Linux? No, no and no," Ballmer
> If IBM could say "yes, yes, yes" it sure wouldn't be Open Source any
> more.  Can't good old Steve and the boys at Microsoft understand that the
> power, reliability and strength of Open Source is the fact that it is
> community driven and developed!  If IBM comes up with cool features I am
> sure the gatekeepers will let it in!
> And as far as "indemnify" goes, did you ever read the details of a
> Microsoft License?  If I had a nickle of every hour I, or my group members,
> have lost over Microsoft problems I would be a LOT richer right now.
> The lack of understand shown by Mr Ballmer's statement is embarrassment to
> the technical community in my mind!



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