What is the status of multiple preferred guests on z990 machines?

iirc the z990 cannot run in basic mode, which was always a prereq for
multiple preferred guests. When running under PR/SM the MHPGF would be taken
by PR/SM.  Running multiple preferred guests will require something like 2nd
level zones,  unless PR/SM has changed such that it no longer uses the

Jan Jaeger.

From: Jim Elliott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Linux on 390 Port <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: OT: Intel gets virtualization clue?
Date: Tue, 7 Oct 2003 20:57:26 EDT

>> This was further enhanced in announcements on June 11, 1987
>> with the VM/XA System Product and the Multiple High
>> Performance Guest Support facility (MHPGS) and February 15,
>> 1988 as the Processor Resource/Systems Manager (PR/SM) which
>> provides the Logical Partitioning facility (the first ever
>> reference to Logical Partitions to my knowledge).

> True. Before that they were called "domains" and you could only
> get them from Amdahl. The PR/SM announcement remains one of the
> very few to offer pronunciation guidelines.

The Amdahl Multiple Domain Feature (MDF) was a different
implementation from that in the 3090, with somewhat the same
goals. The big difference with PR/SM is that it could be used by
z/VM to provide preferred guests or LPAR to provide Logical

In any case, the Intel Vanderpool architecture is much closer to
SIE than to MDF or PR/SM.

>> The current VM product, z/VM, makes extensive use of this
>> function to provide support for running a great many guests
>> (in some environments 100s) and the current LPAR support
>> provides for 60 Logical Partitions on the z990 mainframe.

> According to the preview PDF for today's announcements that I
> received late yesterday, 60 LPARs is still a Statement of
> Direction.

Correct, a typo on my part. With today's announcement 30 LPARs
are available on the z990 with the SoD being 60 LPARs.

Regards, Jim

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