> I don't think that listing all files that have SCO, or SMP in them is due diligence 
> either,
but the judge might if he doesn't really understand how this was done.

A dangerous assumption.

In the Dr Godfrey vs Demon Internet libel case, Demon Internet's case collapsed during 
pre-trial hearing.  During the (not under oath) discussions of the "discovery" - as 
the agreed
evidence is known - a member of Demon's staff asserted that they had no way to know 
how many
of the newsgroups on their nntp servers were being read by their subscribers.

Hizzonour - Mr Justice Edie - stopped him.  He reached into a 15" pile of paper on his 
flipped through two or three, and pulled one out.

"Excuse me, but that isn't what you said in your last capacity plan in January this 
year.  You
have clearly analysed access not only by newsgroup to decide placement but also what
percentage is your own clients."


Even the barrister prosecuting was stunned, and leaned over to say: "Is he right?"

He was.  Beware Hizzonour.

An out-of-court settlement followed within the hour.

  Phil Payne
  +44 7785 302 803

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