Some doubts: (cross posted with the OpenSuSE forum)
1) I am not clear as to  why some rpm's are named i386 and some noarch.

I suspect the i386 means Intel but when I install a perl i386 rpm on
my Mainframe z890 it works (under Linux).
2) when I install some perl RPM's on my SuSe 9.3 from rpmpam I had no
problems.  However, when I go into CPAN (perl -MCPAN -e shell), I find
that the rpm's for the perl modules are not showing up when I do an
"i" on the name (e.g. perl-AnyData-xxx.rpm was installed and then
under CPAN, "i AnyData").
is this normal?

I am trying to avoid using CPAN because I have been burned before when
I install and module that I need to remove later on.  CPAN won't allow
Another problem with CPAN is that I need to do it with me present, I
can't just automate the installation of a bunch of RPM's for new

Any suggestions will be appreciated.

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