At this time we only have 6 Linux systems - 3 on each OSA card. So only 3
have to change.

Excuse the ignorance but how/where do I change the system to 'not specify'
a OSA portname. I looked thru the YAST menus but cannot find it.


             Mark Post
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
             >                                                          To
             Sent by: Linux on         LINUX-390@VM.MARIST.EDU
             390 Port                                                   cc
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
             IST.EDU>                                              Subject
                                       Re: Changing OSA portname.

             05/18/2007 02:58

             Please respond to
             Linux on 390 Port
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

>>> On Fri, May 18, 2007 at  1:54 PM, in message
Peter Rothman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We have two /28 subnet ranges that we use on two separate OSA cards.
> The subnet ranges are being changed to /26 and the Linux machines we have
> on these OSA cards will now all be part of the same subnet range.
> We would like to keep the IP addresses - I can change the IP address,
> subnet mask etc with ifconfig and route commands.
> My questions is that at install time I was asked for a OSA Portname. Will
> this have to change before I can get the network working?

If you're using the same physical OSA cards, and you're not changing which
one a particular Linux system uses, then no, you shouldn't have to change
the port name.  If you're at current microcode levels, a port name is not
required anyway.  But, in your case, since you have one set, all systems
that connect to it have to provide it.  If you want to stop using a port
name, all systems that currently specify one will have to be changed to not
specify one.

Mark Post

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