
Given the interest in upgrading to the recently released SP3, I wanted to bring 
a couple of things to your attention.  There is now a knowledgebase document 
that describes the process in excruciating detail, for all supported upgrade 
paths.  For those that simply want to use the "online update" process to go 
from SP2 to SP3, here's a much simpler list:
1. Refresh zypper's view of what's available:
    zypper refresh
2. Make sure you can see the migration "product" for SP3:
    zypper se -t product | grep migration
    You should see a line with this in it:
    SUSE_SLES-SP3-migration | SUSE_SLES Service Pack 3 Migration Product
3. Install the SUSE_SLES-SP3-migration product:
    zypper in -t product SUSE_SLES-SP3-migration
4. Re-register the system to get access to the SP3 repositories:
    suse_register -d 2 -L /root/.suse_register.log
5. Refresh zypper's view of available services and repositories:
    zypper refresh --services
6. Make sure the new repositories are there:
    zypper lr | grep SP3
    You should see the following entries:
7. Run the distribution upgrade:
    zypper dup --from SLES11-SP3-Pool --from SLES11-SP3-Updates
8. After the upgrade is complete, re-register your system (again):
    suse_register -d 2 -L /root/.suse_register.log
    This cleans up the migration product, removes unnecessary repositories, etc.
9. Reboot to bring the new kernel into use:
    shutdown -r now

Mark Post

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