>>> On 7/19/2013 at 12:19 PM, Mark Post wrote: 
>     This cleans up the migration product, removes unnecessary repositories, 
> etc.

I have to amend this statement.  The old repositories are not removed, but they 
are disabled:
sles11-upgrade-test:~ # zypper lr | cut -f3- -d\|
 Name                                 | Enabled | Refresh
 SLES11-SP1-Pool                      | No      | Yes    
 SLES11-SP1-Updates                   | No      | Yes    
 SLES11-SP2-Core                      | No      | Yes    
 SLES11-SP2-Extension-Store           | No      | Yes    
 SLES11-SP2-Updates                   | No      | Yes    
 SLES11-SP3-Pool                      | Yes     | Yes    
 SLES11-SP3-Updates                   | Yes     | Yes

They can be removed with the "zypper removerepo" or "zypper rr" command when 
you feel comfortable with doing that.

Sorry for the mistake.

Mark Post

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