>From: Shane Kerr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>This actually brings up a point which I know was discussed a year or so
>ago, which is the big wall of memory consumption that ELKS runs into as
>more features get added.  While a true microkernel is probably 
>out of the
>question, maybe we need to visit a way to put device drivers in user
>space.  I'm reading a PCMCIA book, and would like to add support for
>PCMCIA memory cards to ELKS (HP 200LX here I come), but if 
>that pushes the
>kernel to 75Kbytes, then it is futile.
>Should I just get the current source and hack it for the 
>existing hard and
>floppy disk drivers, or what?

Reallistically we need to do this or something similair (modules?).

this barrier comes up for file systems. networking. pcmcia and loads of
other stuff that i can't think of at the moment :)



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