Hello Radek Hnilica,
(if you'd said were you're from I would have attempted to say hi in your
native language..)

You have some interesting ideas, I would like to comment on a few please see

Simon Wood

Hardware Engineer 
Pace Micro Technology plc
Victoria Road, Saltaire, Shipley
West Yorkshire, BD18 3LF
Tel : +44(0)1274 532000  Fax: +44(0)1274 532029

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> -----Original Message-----
> From: Radek Hnilica [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 1999 8:55 AM
> Subject:      Hardware
>      I was  thinking  much  about  it,  ELKS,  and small embeded
> computers.  As I know, there is no suitable hardware.   You  can
> say that there is a pile of old PC's (are not small), someone in
> this list  was  talking  about embeded controller based on 80186
> and someone else about Z80 processor which is not supported  now
> (all these have lack of some sort of memory protection).  If you
> know anything else I don't, let me know about it.
[<Simon Wood>]  
To my understanding ELKS is aimed as a teaching project as well as an
embedded OS, there are huge numbers of out of date machine being buried as
trash, hopeful ELKS will bring new life to these machines.
Some machine based around the 8086 do have memory protection (the Psion
Series 3 for example), where this is available I expect it will be used BUT
it is not a requirement for ELKS.

>      Imagine how you protect your system before crackers, and of
> course before  yourself.   The  cracker  problem you can resolve
> with some pain.  Do not connect your small system to network  of
> any type  and  physically protect it before unauthorized access.
> But you can not protect it before yourself.  One  badly  written
> command in  your  program  can  cause a kernel goes to heaven or
> hell (you can choose).  See I do not write one malicious command
> but one baddly written command (I have a typo on my mind).
[<Simon Wood>]  
You are correct that a bad or malicious command could crash the kernel, but
remember that a cracker would have to get code onto the machine in the first
place. With well written code this shouldn't be a problem.

> I thing that there are two ways to resolve this problem.
>      First way  is  hardware  way.   A  construction  of   cheap
> hardware with  protected  mode  and  memory protection scheme is
> needed.  This one is big problem,  how  many  16-bit  processors
> with protected  mode, and memory protection you can use.  I know
> about I80286, J-11 (LSI-11, DCJ-11, K1801VM1), if you know more,
> let me know.  Are these processor yet on market?   I  think  no.
> But we  can  design  our  own  processor,  and  model it in FPGA
> (Xilinx or other).  This needs much work and advanced experience
> in hardware projecting and construction.
[<Simon Wood>]  
Possible but seems like an awful lot of work for a 'free' project.

>      Second way is software way, its way of emulators.  You  can
> emulate some  hardware  architecture which meet your needs.  Bad
> news is that this cost much in speed.  Slowdown need not  be  to
> big, not  as  you  expect.   And well designed hardware may have
> some advantages in memory savings You  can  code  a  often  used
> sequences to  one simple instruction and save much space in code
> segment.
>      If you begin with software emulator you may in future build
> an hardware which use same instruction set  and  thus  save  all
> previously done work.
[<Simon Wood>]  
Software Emulators can fill the gap before hardware is available, but they
often don't behave exactly as the real thing. If you have a particular
hardware target in mind then they are a useful tool.

>      Are you asking why am I writting this?  A month ago I found
> an emulator  of  PDP-11  minicomputers  family.   I also found a
> couple of software for it including old unix V5,  V6,  V7.   And
> for some  bucks  you  can get an License for ancient unix source
> code.  And get a BSD2.11 unix with source code to.  Then I begun
> thinking about hardware emulator and also porting ELKS  to  this
> hardware.
[<Simon Wood>]  
we look forward to a /arch/pdp-11 tree appearing soon ;o)

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