Hello Simon
> (if you'd said were you're from I would have attempted to say hi in your
> native language..)
My native language is Czech.

> You have some interesting ideas, I would like to comment on a few please
> see below...
> [<Simon Wood>]  
> To my understanding ELKS is aimed as a teaching project as well as an
> embedded OS, there are huge numbers of out of date machine being buried as
> trash, hopeful ELKS will bring new life to these machines. Some machine
> based around the 8086 do have memory protection (the Psion Series 3 for
> example), where this is available I expect it will be used BUT it is not a
> requirement for ELKS.
What a memory protection if a processor itsef doesn't have protected 
mode. You can design what you can to death, but program runing in 
user space may do what ever it want.

> [<Simon Wood>]  
> You are correct that a bad or malicious command could crash the kernel,
> but remember that a cracker would have to get code onto the machine in the
> first place. With well written code this shouldn't be a problem.
No code is perfect except .....(complete name). Hardware with memory 
protection is much secure than without it.
> > I thing that there are two ways to resolve this problem.
> > 
> >      First way  is  hardware  way.   A  construction  of   cheap
> > hardware with  protected  mode  and  memory protection scheme is
> > needed.  This one is big problem,  how  many  16-bit  processors
> > with protected  mode, and memory protection you can use.  I know
> > about I80286, J-11 (LSI-11, DCJ-11, K1801VM1), if you know more,
> > let me know.  Are these processor yet on market?   I  think  no.
> > But we  can  design  our  own  processor,  and  model it in FPGA
> > (Xilinx or other).  This needs much work and advanced experience
> > in hardware projecting and construction.
> [<Simon Wood>]  
> Possible but seems like an awful lot of work for a 'free' project.
Yes it's lot of work.  But if target is more interesant, more peoples 
will help.

> >      Second way is software way, its way of emulators.  You  can
> > emulate some  hardware  architecture which meet your needs.  Bad
> > news is that this cost much in speed.  Slowdown need not  be  to
> > big, not  as  you  expect.   And well designed hardware may have
> > some advantages in memory savings You  can  code  a  often  used
> > sequences to  one simple instruction and save much space in code
> > segment.
> >      If you begin with software emulator you may in future build
> > an hardware which use same instruction set  and  thus  save  all
> > previously done work.
> [<Simon Wood>]  
> Software Emulators can fill the gap before hardware is available, but they
> often don't behave exactly as the real thing. If you have a particular
> hardware target in mind then they are a useful tool.

I' was thinking about PDP-11. It's 16-bit architecture, has memory 
protection, it's nice architecture. Some software emulator exists.

First I was thinking of separate MMU.  Such a MMU can be done maybe 
in one Xilinx chip, and can be connected to any processor with 16 bit 
address bus.  A management of this MMU is done through a memory 
addresses in upper 8kB (4kW) of address range.  This is very nice. 
But problem is a processor which don't have protected mode, and a 
signal pin which can tell MMU what is going on.

Before we begin model a processor in FPGA we can model it in 
microcontroller such as ATMEL 89C51 or some from MICROCHIP PIC. Make 
design as clean as possible.
Step one: Microcontroller(CPU,MMU), memory, pheripherals.
Step two: Microcontroller(CPU), FPGA(MMU), memory, peripherals.
Set three: FPGA(CPU,MMU), memory, peripherals.
Last step: FPGA(CPU,MMU), memory, FPGA(peripherals).

> >      Are you asking why am I writting this?  A month ago I found
> > an emulator  of  PDP-11  minicomputers  family.   I also found a
> > couple of software for it including old unix V5,  V6,  V7.   And
> > for some  bucks  you  can get an License for ancient unix source
> > code.  And get a BSD2.11 unix with source code to.  Then I begun
> > thinking about hardware emulator and also porting ELKS  to  this
> > hardware.
> [<Simon Wood>]  
> we look forward to a /arch/pdp-11 tree appearing soon ;o)

Will be nice, can try it under some emulator.

As I say in previous message, I have not experience in FPGA design. I 
look around and found VHDL language and some tutorial, but still 
don't know how what is needed to program an FPGA for instance from 

PS: Target will be small embeded computer size of about A6 x 3 cm. 
Which run under UNIX like OS.
Radek Hnilica

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