>       ...away from the rest of the process, the bottleneck seems to be
> the machine layout... not the OS. I just cant seem to find a good list of
> all available mcus that run linux. the ARM website says nothing of the OLD
> ARMs like arm2/3, it starts with ARM6 which could be too much and too

ARM2/3 arent available any more. They haven't been for years. They need a ton
of glue logic. Age != pricing (in EU/US anyway)

> expensive. There has to be a website on the CHIPS not boards or machines
> that can run linux.. and the addition of (appx) pricing would be
> appreciated. Also does anyone know of intel MCUs like 8057 able to run
> 8086 code?? That would bring the cost down to like 2.5$ :) .

The ones I know about

Running ELKS - so unfinished kernel as yet, but getting there, no networking
                        no MMU, small apps
        801EC86 etc             Embedded 8086 chips (Intel/AMD/...)

        Some of these are very cheap. Psion sell a box using an embedded
        x86 variant to end users for UKP100 (US$160) or so (the sienna) 
        running their own OS (not linux)

Running UC/Linux - no MMU, strange libc
        68451 "Dragonball" CPU - Motorola - as used in the palmpilot
                heavily designed for low chip count PDA's

Running Real Linux

        Cirrus ARM 7110 - 19MHz ARM7 CPU, on board lcd driver, gpio, ram
                        decode etc etc. Aimed at PDA's (used on Psion 5)

        Motorola PPC - assorted chips mostly oriented to low chip count
                        communications tasks. ie CPU + 4xSCC + other logic

        Mips    - various chips but most vendors sell MIPS as a VLSI cell - 
                  ie you do the chip design they integrate all the bits you
                  want - high volume option only.

One of the real big issues with this is all the modern chips tend to use
advanced packaging techniques making them hard to build onto boards without
fancy tools.




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