On Fri, 13 Aug 1999, thcg wrote:

>       I live in Quetta, Pakistan where we have tonnes of manpower but
> not much of emplyment. I am seriously considering starting a cottege
> industry making little diaries/laptops consisting of a cheap mcu like m68k
> or arm (?) LCD screen and keyboard running embedded linux. 
>       ...away from the rest of the process, the bottleneck seems to be
> the machine layout... not the OS. I just cant seem to find a good list of
> all available mcus that run linux. the ARM website says nothing of the OLD
> ARMs like arm2/3, it starts with ARM6 which could be too much and too
> expensive. There has to be a website on the CHIPS not boards or machines
> that can run linux.. and the addition of (appx) pricing would be
> appreciated. Also does anyone know of intel MCUs like 8057 able to run
> 8086 code?? That would bring the cost down to like 2.5$ :) .
> Ghazan

How big/powerful do there machines have to be?
What do they have to do?

For handheld ARM seems good. Low power, quite fast...

Luke(Boo) Farrar.

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