: Bjorn Eriksson's code
: void vert_line(US x1, US x2, US y, const BYTE color)
: This confuses me, why does a vert_line func have 2 "x" vals??? Or is a 
: general typo, wouldnt that be a horizontal line, like you say??

        As discussed last week on this list, vert_line is mislabeled,
it should be horz_line (exactly how *did* that happen, Bjorn?? ;-)

: I have not started the vertline func yet, but as I say the hline is nearly 
: ready.

        No need for an optimized vertline, there's nothing that
can be done to the existing code to speed it up...

: This may seem like a silly question, please dont get mad, but, what do you 
: mean "the code you're running now is based on Jacob's code", baring in mind 
: I have never done a programming task in a group. Is it that I use the 
: #defines and stuff he has?
        No - scr_herc.c was written by me based on Jacob's code.  (thanks Jacob)
I assume you're starting with scr_herc.c, the working hercules screen driver.


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