Just found this fragment. I'd like to mention, that the first Versions
of UNIX ran on PDP's with (as far as I remember w/o looking it up first)
128 KWORD. There also was a unixish OS LSX patterned after V7, which 
ran on a DEC (8bit ?) Microprocessor with 28 KWORDs and the kernel took up
around 8K. There is also a UNIX Pseudo Kernel for the Z80, called UZI.
Haven't installed it yet, but it claims to be a V7 like Kernel.

Regards - M

> > > > >From TIs web site it looks as though these machines have Z80 processors,
> > > > and as far as I know there is no Z80 port of Linux yet. In any case it us
> > > > unlikely that any unix like system will run on a machine with this little
> > > > RAM and no storage.
> > > >
> > > > Al
> > > >
> > >
> > >

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