>I'm perfectly willing to put in the time to do this (expect it to take a
>while), and teach myself assembler at the same time, but I need some help
>going about it.  A friend of mine loaned me his disassembler program, but
>it's designed to run under win95 and winnt.  Can I (should I even try) to
>figure it out this way, or does it need to be on the t1200 to have it be
>acurate and useful?  Thanks,
>       Greg

I not realy an expert in this, but I would only use the windows95/nt if it 
were capible of dissasembaling 16bit code (I am basing this thinking that a 
windows dissasember is designed to disasemble win code, maybe the prog you 
have does both?)

I would use a dos based disasember, don't what one, supose turbo-debuger?

I used to have a good prog that you put in exe's in one end and asm code 
poped out the other end. I will have a look (I downloaded it over a 2 years 

What does anyone else think, I am not an expert.


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